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Love First, Newsletter Finally!

Yay! You're here! This is the first issue of the Love First newsletter, packed with scintillating information that we're sure you'll enjoy. How to prep for quarterly sessions, free book offer, and toffee bribe!

Laura Camacho
3 min read

Table of Contents

Yay! You're here! This is the first issue of the Love First newsletter, packed with scintillating information that we're sure you'll enjoy. We're writing this for you! Have topics you want covered, questions you want answered, or guests you want interviewed? Let us know via email,

How to Prepare for Your Quarterly Sessions

Since email and video don't mix, the above links to the full video with transcript and a printable PDF of the Session Prep checklist. Note you must be a member/subscriber (free!) to view the post.

Required reading

Leslie just reviewed Heal to Lead, by Kelly Campbell and said it's "required reading for all my clients." I told him if he's going to require it then he needs to be prepared to send you all copies! So, if you want us me to mail you a copy of Heal to Lead, just send me your address (I've already asked for some of your addresses, because he had a list of people he knew he wanted to send it to. That's a compliment, I think!). Otherwise, please find it at your favorite local independent bookseller (or ours!).

Look at this stack o' books, waiting to be sent to you!

Cool webinar, bro

Are you preparing your company to sell or at least want to give yourself the option? Where should you start if you want to get the most for your business? On June 26, Leslie is hosting "The EBITDA + EOS Edge: How Owners Can Boost Their Business's Value" – a conversation with Expert Fractional CFO Geneve Huxley to help owners understand their financials and how to use that information to make better financial decisions that increase their business's value.

You should do this

Join the We Run on EOS directory.

This is a great way to network with like-minded companies and get your name out there in a different context! The program also offers a lot of supplemental learning opportunities, both virtual and in-person. It's free, so why not?!

A grid of several EOS-related virtual event descriptions that links to the registration page.
Here's a sampling of the calendar

Get the Early Bird discount for EOS Conference 2025

Leslie really enjoyed his time at this year's EOS Conference! You should think about going next year! It will be in Washington, DC, April 2-4 (with optional workshops and other add-ons starting March 31st).

Clients working with EOS Implementers (that's you!) can take 15% off their ticket price by using the registration code WERUNONEOS25 at checkout. These tickets go fast and will only be available until 600 Early Bird tickets are sold (or until September 30).

Also! There is a new discounted ticket package for leadership teams and EOS Implementers. Leadership teams looking to host their Quarterlies the same week as the conference can enjoy a room in which to hold their session (on April 1 or April 2), coordinated by EOS Worldwide and 20% off conference tickets. This would require an in-person session with Leslie. If it's something that interests you, let me know and I will coordinate with EOS Worldwide.

(BTW, there's a way to see the 2024 EOS Conference material with their $500 On-Demand program that allows access til July 22.)

Toffee & Testimonials

Okay, silly name, but hear me out. You are our best marketing. You're also very busy. But, a lot of you really liked the local toffee I sent out in the holiday gift boxes this year.

Do you want more treats?? As owner of our marketing seat, I'm not above a little bribery!

If you write Leslie a LinkedIn recommendation or connect him with a referral, let me know and I will send you a package Holm Made Toffee, in any flavor you want! Win win!

How to connect Leslie to that person you've been thinking needs to talk to him, in 2 easy steps:

  1. Send the person's name, email, and phone number to Leslie with any relevant particulars to help him make the connection
  2. jkjk! There is no second step for you. As long as you're okay with Leslie telling someone he's contacting them because you said he should, we will take care of everything once you've shared their contact info!
Resource of the Moment
Rachel Lowenstein created this great neuroinclusive communication infographic and I just love it.

My primary communication modes are Precision, Context, and Directness. What are yours? No, really, let me know and I'll work on modifying my correspondence accordingly!

Okay! That's the first issue of the Love First newsletter done. We're so happy you clicked through and stuck around! If you want to have the next issues delivered straight to your inbox, don't forget to subscribe down below.


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