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Happy New Year!

Laura Camacho
2 min read

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Here's to all of us in 2025.

Please be good to your nervous system. Get offline sometimes, and go outside. Help your neighbors (and ask them for help, too). Take your meds/supplements. Go to therapy or at the very least therapeutically scream in the car once a week.

We're going to be okay if we stick together! 💜


Did you watch the Delegate & Elevate webinar that Leslie cohosted back in October? Well, it's on Youtube now, so bookmark it for later!

Have you shared the Good News of our Friend and Implementer, Leslie Camacho?

Hey, if the Jesus-hair fits, am I right? 🤣

Anyway, what I'm really saying is, as the person in the Marketing seat around here, I would really really love for you to take a moment to connect Leslie to your network!

Whether that's by writing a glowing LinkedIn recommendation, a lovely LinkedIn post, or connecting via email someone who could use Leslie's help, it is all super duper helpful in keeping our pipeline full of qualified leads.

If writing accolades isn't your jam, just send us the contact info of people you know that need him (you know you know!). Leslie will do the heavy lifting/phone calling – he's great at it!

New Year, New Service!

Increase your revenue 15-30% in 2025?! Wut!

Revenue growth is the most common pain point across all our clients (and agency land in general).

For nearly three years, Leslie has looked for an "EOS, but specifically for revenue" solution for our clients. And, we think he's found it in Outgrow – a proactive, systematic, and totally not-icky sales approach that really works.

How do we know it works? Because Alex Goldfayn, the guy who developed Outgrow, has recorded consistent success in the 400+ companies he has used it with over the last 20 years. His book about it comes out in April.

And also because – as one of the very first 18 Outgrow Certified Advisors – Leslie has been implementing Outgrow into his own sales process for the past 6 months, and we have absolutely seen results! Not only in a stronger pipeline, but in Leslie's changed mindset about "sales," as well.

Outgrow dovetails beautifully with the "Help First" ethos of EOS, and our own personal core value of Love First.

In re-contextualizing "sales calls" as moments for nurturing authentic relationships and extending a true helping hand, Outgrow has transformed Leslie's ability to pick up the phone! And systematizing and automating the process with the Outgrow method/resources has made it sustainable and effective.

If you are feeling the revenue pinch and want help getting your sales process on track, let us know! Leslie would love to help.

Look at this distinguished gentleman!

An enormous black Daniff sitting like a human on a large armchair, giving embarrassed side-eye.
Tink would like you to remember to write those recommendations and referrals for Leslie! Yes, that's definitely what he's thinking about; he's a little embarrassed to have to remind you.

I think we all realize that 2025 is gonna be a rollercoaster. Let's remember to Love First, and enjoy the ride together!


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